Sarah Ivette Morales
Shining Art on Light: Colorful Insights
James T. Dakin
Ego and Essence: A User Guide for the Soul
Tonia Pinheiro
Stand Up or Sit Out: Memories and Musings of a Blind Wrestler, Runner and All-around Regular Guy
Vision Dreams: A Parable
Anthony R. Candela
1. Over my entire career, my mother saw me wrestle only once. Luckily, I trounced my opponent…. After the match, I strolled to where my family sat in the bleachers. My mother, clearly relieved, told me she’d held her breath until I lifted my opponent into the air and, under full control, place him on his back.
2. In the 1976 film [“Marathon Man”], Dustin Hoffman …circumnavigated the Central Park reservoir on a cinder track stretching 1.58 miles. His pace, a nifty 7.27 per mile, was the time to beat. After setting the stopwatch, my partner and I launched at full sprint…. Crossing the finish line, I bent over to catch my breath, convinced I had failed in my mission. My running partner informed me we had completed the loop in 11:22, a nifty 7:20 pace. I had beaten the marathon man by twenty-five seconds!
3. At the triathlon, we kicked into high gear and streaked along the top of the pool. Again, because of our experience running under adverse conditions, we knew exactly how we would handle the ninety-degree right turn. Grabbing each other’s hand, we cut the turn as close to the edge of the pool as we dared. This added a bit to the slight lead we had opened up on our competitor. Sprinting hard and hearing footsteps behind us, we focused on the finish line and screaming crowd ahead. Everyone knew that the blind racer approaching the line was in a run for his life. So did I. The public address announcer told the crowd, “Here comes Tony Candela.”
Our nemesis still tight on our heels…[My running partner] Mike perceived my determination. Driven by simultaneous rushes of adrenaline, Mike and I bent forward in unison, stretched our necks, and crossed the finish line at full stride. The sound of footsteps in pursuit had vanished.