This unique and colorfully illustrated children’s rhyming book was inspired by Joe Estacio’s childhood memories of growing up in Brooklyn, New York. Each page is a nostalgic journey, telling about his life as a child and how different it used to be in simpler times-playing with neighborhood kids, walking to school, shopping and doing laundry with mom, and learning to say his prayers at night. The book expresses the joy of living in and enjoying the world around us. The tone is light with a twist in the middle, and a very hopeful and uplifting ending.Kids ages five and up will enjoy reminiscing with parents, grandparents, and teachers who will be inspired to tell them stories about their own childhoods.
This unique and colorfully illustrated children’s rhyming book was inspired by Joe Estacio’s childhood memories of growing up in Brooklyn, New York. Each page is a nostalgic journey, telling about his life as a child and how different it used to be in simpler times-playing with neighborhood kids, walking to school, shopping and doing laundry with mom, and learning to say his prayers at night. The book expresses the joy of living in and enjoying the world around us. The tone is light with a twist in the middle, and a very hopeful and uplifting ending.Kids ages five and up will enjoy reminiscing with parents, grandparents, and teachers who will be inspired to tell them stories about their own childhoods.
January 20 - February 2, 2025
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